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Miss Jasreen Kaur Guldip Singh


Miss Jasreen Kaur Guldip Singh

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Hons), Malaysia, MUPC in Perth, Australia

 Primary School Teacher (English)

Miss Jasreen has a background in psychology with years of experience in the field of education .Social work has also been one of the many hats she wears. Her short stint as a student abroad has given her an opportunity to experience the education system in another country. Miss Jasreen empahsises on mannerism,respect and awareness heavily. Her personal believes are manners maketh man and students should always be more than just grades. As a mother to an eight year old ,she is truly passionate about cultivating good values and ethics in every child she teaches. Growing up in a multicultural country, she has received adequate exposure and awareness on diversity which has always been an advantage when she interacts with students from various backgrounds. During her free time, she enjoys spending time exploring different delicacies with her family and catching up on medieval time history findings.