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Home > Admissions > School Fees and Policy 2024-2025

Fee Structure and Policy

One Time Only Fees

Application Fee$500.00
Assessment Fee$200.00
Enrolment Fee$2,000.00

Primary English-Chinese Bilingual Programme AY 2024-2025

Year 1 to Year 6 (Cambridge Primary)

The payment schedule (4 instalments) is based on the sum of the Annual School fee of S$21,866 (excluding GST S$1967.94) and the Course Material fee of S$350 and Technology Fee S$200 excluding GST.
Payment FrequencyTerm    1Term 2Term 3Term 4
Termly$5,046.00 + GST$4,565.43 + GST$6,247.43 + GST$6,007.14 + GST
 Semesterly*   $9,377.14 + GST$11,955.86 + GST
 One-time*       $20,800.00 + GST
*One-time and Semesterly payment plan is only applicable to students joining us in Term 1

Secondary Programme AY 2024-2025

Year 7 to Year 9 (Cambridge Lower Secondary)

The payment schedule (4 instalments) is based on the sum of the Annual School fee of S$23,139 (excluding GST S$2,082.51) and the Course Material fee of S$325 and Technology Fee S$200 excluding GST

Payment FrequencyTerm    1Term 2Term 3Term 4
Termly$5,339.77 + GST$4,831.22 + GST$6,611.14 + GST$6,356.87 + GST
 Semesterly*   $9,923.08 + GST$12,651.92 + GST
 One-time*       $22,011.00 + GST

*One-time and Semesterly payment plan is only applicable to students joining us in Term 1

Year 10 to Year 11 (IGCSE)

The payment schedule (4 instalments) is based on the sum of the Annual School fee of S$24,296 (excluding GST S$2,186.64) and the Course Material fee of S$300 and Technology Fee S$200 excluding GST

Payment FrequencyTerm    1Term 2Term 3Term 4
Termly$5,606.77+ GST$5,072.79 + GST$6,941.71 + GST$6,674.73 + GST
 Semesterly*   $10,419.34 + GST$13,284.66 + GST
 One-time*       $23,110.00 + GST

*One-time and Semesterly payment plan is only applicable to students joining us in Term 1

Year 12 to Year 13 (A-Levels)

The payment schedule (4 instalments) is based on the sum of the Annual School fee of S$26,610 (excluding GST S$2,394.90) and the Course Material fee of S$300 and Technology Fee S$200 excluding GST

Payment FrequencyTerm    1Term 2Term 3Term 4
Termly$6,140.77+ GST$5,555.93 + GST$7,602.86 + GST$7,310.44 + GST
 Semesterly*   $11,411.43 + GST$14,549.57 + GST
 One-time*       $25.312.00+ GST

*One-time and Semesterly payment plan is only applicable to students joining us in Term 1

Kindly note that the above fees are non-transferable. School Fee refunds are available in accordance with the withdrawal notification dates contained in the student contract and terms and conditions.

School fees are pro-rated if the student begins class after the beginning of the relevant Instalment Period

This does not include any enrolment, assessment and miscellaneous fees. 

All fees are expressed in Singapore Dollars (SGD). The payment schedule is as follows.

Please contact our Admissions office at +65 6271 6088 should you have any questions.

Sibling Discount for School Fees

Student 1Sibling 1Sibling 2Sibling 3Sibling 4
No discount5%10%10%10%

School Fees Structure AY2024-2025

Technology Fee $200.00
Course Material Fee (Year 1 - 6) $350.00
Course Material Fee (Year 7 - 9) $325.00
AY 2025-2026 Fee Structure

AY 2024-2025 Fee Structure

School Fee Refund Policy

Click here to find out more about our Termination and Refund Policy

Miscellaneous Fees*

All fees are expressed in Singapore Dollars (SGD) and are inclusive of GST. Apart from the Annual School Fee the following Miscellaneous Fees may be payable:

Purpose of Fee Amount (with GST, if any) (S$)
Academic Field Trips
S$0.00 - S$1,500.00*
(depends on destination)
Prior to activity commencement
Examination Fees – Year 11 to Year 13 only
(Invictus Centrium Square only)
S$150.00 - S$350.00* per subject
(depending on type of examination)
Third Party Charges (Competition Fees etc) Bill as charged
Personalised Learning Programme Support
Refer to the table above
Extra Curricular Activities (optional)
S$0.00 - S$2,000.00*
Prior to activity commencement
Additional Support Classes S$43.60 per session*
(for identified students only)
Report Copy Fee
S$10.00 for paper copy*
Prior to issuance of report
Uniforms and Stationery
S$0.00 - S$500.00*
Purchased directly from vendor
Bank / Transfer Charges Fully covered by Parent*
Varies between banks
Reissue of Student Access Card (Invictus Centrium Square only)
Upon replacement
Locker Key replacement $10.90 (w GST)
Lanyards replacement (w extender)$3.27 (w GST) 
 Lanyard replacement (w/o extender)$2.18 (w GST) 

Please note: 
These fees are only estimates and notification will be made of the actual amount prior to payment. Please refer to our sample Student Contracts here for the exact fees payable for each course.

Payment Terms

Payment of School Fees

The school fee and miscellaneous fees are to be paid only upon invoicing.
All school fees are assessed in Singapore dollars and all payments must be made in Singapore dollars.

Payment Options

1. Bank Transfer

Please state the student name as a reference to allow correct identification of each remittance.

Centrium Account Number: OCBC - 713467090001

For payment via GIRO, Invictus will send an invitation for GIRO payment with the necessary forms required. Parents will then submit the signed GIRO form back to Invictus and the bank will then processes the payment.

The PAYNOW number and QR code will be available on the invoice.

Outstanding Payments

Students with outstanding accounts may have their school attendance privileges revoked by the school until their accounts are current. If any outstanding payment remains upon withdrawal from the school, no transcripts, transfers, or other records will be released until full payment is received.

Fee Protection Scheme (FPS)

The CPE requires course fees paid by students to be protected. Invictus International School has in place a Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) to protect the paid course fees of all students. The FPS serves to protect the student’s fees in the event that the PEI is unable to continue operations due to insolvency, and/or regulatory closure. In addition, the FPS protects the student if the PEI fails to pay penalties or return fees to the student arising from judgments made against it by the Singapore courts.

Invictus International School has appointed Lonpac Insurance Bhd as its FPS insurance provider. Under the FPS insurance scheme, students’ fees are insured by Lonpac Insurance. In the case of events, as stated above, students will be able to claim their paid fees from Lonpac Insurance. 

Invictus had obtained 4-year EduTrust certification and is covered with FPS Group Insurance scheme.

Under the FPS Group Insurance scheme, COI will be issued to the PEIs by the FPS Insurance Providers with a determined insurable amount to cover all course fees to be collected by the PEI during the period of indemnity.

The insurance coverage shall commence from the date of payment of the fees till the course end date/ students withdrawn date, whichever is earlier.

Click here to view a copy of the Certificate.

More details of the FPS can also be found in the FPS Instruction Manual, available at CPE’s website.