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Essential Student Information

This page contains important information about Invictus International School in Singapore. It is a one-stop resource for parents to find all resources such as course write-ups, student support services, classroom sizes and dispute resolution policies as mandated by the Committee for Private Education (CPE) of Singapore.

Should there be any questions please do not hesitate to reach us at

Student Support Services

Invictus provides a variety of student support services to meet the needs of each student:

a. Medical insurance benefits (caused by accident)
b. Co-curricular programmes which include Extra-Curricular Activities and other academic support programmes
c. School-based support programmes as part of an inclusive support structure to support students with different learning needs (Pathway Programme).
d. Support staff such as shadow teachers for students who require additional access arrangements.
e. Pastoral counselling support for socio-emotional needs for students

Basic pastoral counselling is provided by respective homeroom teachers to support students’ social-emotional wellbeing. Homeroom teachers will seek advice and guidance from Principals should the students require further support.

Sample Student Contract and Terms and Condition

Academic & Examination Board

Click here.

Classroom Capacity

Click here.

Complaints Policy/Procedure

Dispute Resolution Policy

We hope that we will be able to satisfy your concerns via the Complaints Procedure. If we do not, you may wish to seek to resolvethe matter through the CPE Student Services Centre, using the Dispute Resolution Scheme of the Committee for Private Education, which is described on the CPE website. This dispute resolution scheme may, where appropriate, involve the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) as the mediation centres.

Refund Policy/Procedure

3.1 The PEI will notify the Student in writing within three (3) working days after becoming aware of any of the following (each a “Refund Event”):

    1. a. It cannot commence the provision of the Course on the Course Commencement Date;

      b. It cannot complete the provision of the Course by the Course Completion Date;

      c. The Course will be terminated before the Course Completion Date;

      d. The Student does not meet the course entry or matriculation requirements as stated in Schedule A; or

      e. The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (the “ICA”) rejects the Student’s application for the Student Pass.

      3.2 Where any of the Refund Events in Clause 3.1(a) to (c) above has occurred:

      a. The PEI shall use reasonable efforts to make alternative study arrangements for the Student and shall propose such alternative study

      arrangements in writing to the Contracting Party, within ten (10) working days of informing the Contracting Party of the Refund Event.

      b. If the Contracting Party accepts such alternative study arrangements, the PEI shall set forth such alternative study arrangements in a written contract and this Contract shall automatically terminate on the date that such new written contract comes into effect.

      c. If the PEI does not propose alternative study arrangements to the Contracting Party within the time stipulated in Clause 3.2(a) above, or the Contracting Party does not accept such alternative study arrangements, the Contracting Party may forthwith terminate this Contract by way of a written notice to the PEI.

      3.3 Where any of the Refund Events in Clauses 3.1(d) to (e) has occurred, the PEI shall forthwith terminate this Contract by way of a written notice to the Contracting Party.

      3.4 If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.2(b) read with Clause 3.1(a), the PEI shall refund all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid by the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.

      3.5 If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.2(b) read with either Clause 3.1(b) or Clause 3.1(c), the PEI shall refund the Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees in proportion to the uncompleted portion or duration of the Course, whichever is higher, to the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.

      3.6 If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.3 or Clause 3.2(c) read with Clause 3.1(a), the PEI shall refund all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid by the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.

      3.7 If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.2(c) read with either Clause 3.1(b) or Clause 3.1(c), the PEI shall refund the Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees in proportion to the uncompleted portion or duration of the Course, whichever is higher, to the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.

      3.8 Refund for Withdrawal During the Cooling-Off Period:

      Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Contracting Party shall be entitled to, without any liability whatsoever to the PEI, forthwith terminate the Contract at any time within the Cooling-Off Period by way of a written notice to the PEI. The PEI shall return all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid to it within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the written notice.

      3.9 Refund for Withdrawal Outside the Cooling-Off Period:

      Without prejudice to Clauses 3.1 to 3.8 above, the Contracting Party may terminate the Contract at any time before the Course Completion Date by providing a written notice to the PEI. Upon receipt of such notice, the PEI shall within seven (7) working days, refund to the Contracting Party such amount (if any) as determined in accordance with Schedule D.

      Refund Procedure Due to Course Withdrawal

      1.The parent informs the Marketing and Admissions (M&A) staff of their intention to

      withdraw their child from the school, via email, and by submitting a completed withdrawal form (FRM-022).

       2. The M&A staff clearly shows the refund calculation and breakdown and shares the withdrawal form with the parent and request their bank account details for processing the refund if any.

      3. The parent acknowledges and agrees to the accuracy of the information provided and the acceptance of the calculated amount by signing the withdrawal form.

      4. The M&A staff submits the completed withdrawal form to the Principal and Head of School (HoS) for approval.

      5. Upon receiving approval, the form will be forwarded by the M&A staff to the accountant for processing.

Transfer, Withdrawal and Deferment Policy/Procedure

Course Withdrawal Policy

A Course Withdrawal refers to a parent/student deciding to discontinue the course with the school.

Course Withdrawal Procedure

1. Upon a parent/student’s decision to withdraw, they must inform the Marketing and Admissions (M&A) Staff.

2. The M&A Staff emails the FRM-022 Withdrawal Form to the parent/student for completion. For students under 18, parent/legal guardian consent is required.

3. The M&A Staff emails the withdrawal outcome to the parent/student, ensuring the process does not exceed 4 weeks from the request to the outcome communication.

4. In case of refund eligibility, the M&A Staff assesses the situation and advises the parent/student accordingly, in line with the school’s Refund Policy.

5. Parents/students must clear all outstanding payments and return any school property, like library books, prior to receiving the withdrawal letter signed by the Principal.

6. Students holding a Student Pass must have it cancelled within 7 days. The M&A Staff assists with this cancellation through the ICA.

7. If a student withdraws without a formal written request and is absent for a continuous period of 7 days, the school treats this as a withdrawal.

8. For international students with a Student’s Pass, the pass is cancelled with the ICA. The parent/student is notified via email.


Course Deferment Policy

A Course Deferment refers to a student who delays or postpones the course (or subject) for reasons such as military service, long-term medical leave, compassionate grounds, or other valid reasons. It is typically not encouraged and is considered primarily under compassionate circumstances, with approval granted solely at the Principal's discretion. An acceptable, valid reason must be presented, and the course must remain active to ensure the student can complete all remaining subjects upon their return after the deferment period.


Course Deferment Procedure

1. Upon receiving a written deferment request from the parent or student, the Student Admissions staff sends the FRM-023 Transfer/Deferment Form to the parent for completion. If the student is under 18 years of age, the parent’s or legal guardian’s written consent is required.

2. The Principal assesses all reasons stated for deferment.

3. Following the approval or rejection of the deferment request, the Marketing and Admissions (M&A) Staff emails the outcome to the parent/student. They ensure the maximum processing time does not exceed 4 weeks from the receipt of the request to informing the parent/student of the decision.

4. If a student decides to return within 12 months, subject to availability and the duration of absence, their application in the school record is reactivated. The student may be required to repeat a year to continue in the same course.

5. Enrolment Fees are waived for deferred students, who do not need to undergo the application process again upon return.

6. The M&A Staff informs the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) of any changes to the Student’s Pass resulting from deferment.

Course Transfer Policy

A course transfer is when a student transfers from one course to another that is offered in Invictus.

Course Transfer Procedure

1. Upon receiving a written transfer request from a parent/student, the Marketing and Admissions (M&A) Staff emails the FRM-023 Transfer/Deferment Form to the parent for completion. Parental/legal guardian consent is obtained for students under 18 years.

2. The Principal solicits feedback from the Campus Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and relevant subject teachers about the student’s suitability for the new course. If necessary, the student may be required to take a placement test.

3. If the transfer is approved, the M&A Staff communicates the decision to parents/students and obtains acknowledgment for the new contract or addendum.

4. The M&A Staff update the ICA on any changes to the Student's Pass.

5. The M&A Staff ensures the entire process, from request receipt to final outcome communication, does not exceed 4 weeks.

Student Attendance Policy

Attendance will be measured in every Tutor / HR (Homeroom) Teacher time registration first thing each day and termly. At each of these stages, students should maintain 95% or higher. If a student drops below 95% then actions will be taken.

All parental requests for extended leave of absence (over 5 days) should be sent as normal to the student’s tutor / HR Teacher; parental emails of this nature automatically imply ‘notified’ but does not imply ‘authorised’ and a ‘receipt’ email should be sent to parents explaining this. The decision rests with the Head of Primary / Secondary on how this is recorded. 

An extended leave of absence request will be dealt as mentioned earlier; however, if this is for over 2 weeks the Principal must be involved in the discussion. They will review the absence record and any legal requirements placed on attendance before replying to parents in writing by email.


  1. Tutors / HR Teachers are responsible for tracking attendance daily / weekly and engaging with parents as necessary to maintain 95% threshold 
  2. Monthly / Termly report will be created for the Senior Leadership Team by Admissions, highlighting those students below 95% and those students for whom 90% attendance is a legal requirement. Heads of Primary / Secondary will, alongside Tutors / HR Teachers engage with parents (noting that there will already likely have been communication evidence from Tutors / HR Teachers) 
  3. Report cards – Student report cards will indicate attendance for each term, or report card cycle. 
  4. School Transcripts / Attendance records will report the total number of absences (in days)

Assessment Results and Appeals Process

Assessment results are released to parents and students at the end of each semester.

A parent/guardian (on behalf of the student) may only appeal in writing for his/her child’s final results to be reviewed under genuine circumstances where factors beyond the student's control have affected the student's academic performance. 

Appeals must be submitted in writing within 48 hours of the results. Late appeals will not be

The Principal is responsible for reviewing the results with the relevant academic staff and for recommending either for the marks to stand or a change of marks to the Examination Board. Invictus will respond to any appeals/concerns within 4 weeks of the release of results.

Parents may write into the school should they have concerns about the student's overall progress reports. The Principal, in consultation with teachers, will reply with any follow-up actions or support measures provided to students. 

Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) Certificate

CPE EduTrust Certificate

CPE Enhanced Registration Framework (ERF) Certificate